Category Archives: Magic Trickery

Magic Tricks

Magicians, especially professional magicians, tend to guard their secrets jealously. It is rare indeed to find a performer who would reveal the secrets of their art to the uninitiated or to colleagues. Very few of these individuals would indeed reveal the magic tricks they have developed on their own for love or money. Nowadays books,…

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Magic Shops

Buying different products is always easy if you buy them from places that sell these items exclusively. For magical goods the best place to find all of these items is magic shops. These shops will for the most part be small stores where you will find lots of different items. The various items that you…

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Cool Card Tricks

We have all been fascinated by watching various people playing card tricks. Some of us have even attempted at one time or another to perform these card tricks ourselves with varying degrees of success. Of the many card tricks out there you will find some really cool card tricks. These are the card tricks that…

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Coin Tricks

Coin tricks have been around almost from the time coins first came into being. They have been a popular fairground attraction for the last two or three hundred years. Nowadays, coin tricks have become a favorite with professional magicians around the world. Modern coin tricks have evolved into a fascinating act. Street magicians and performers…

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